i feel like i have this sentimental, open hearted post just trying to get outta me but i have no idea what it is i really want to say... i had an incredible visit with my psychology teacher today, an hour visit, i love her, shes amazing! and as i walked home afterwards i began to realise how okay i am with a lot of things. i feel as though ive come SUCH a far way... and im so proud of myself in this. i am so proud that i am able to say "bring it on Endo!" and to not be afraid of the unknown. im eager to get home and to take care of myself with food choices and a membership to the YMCA right next to my house. i am ready to just take charge of my life and my decisions im eager and excited to do so... and i feel like being at home will give me strength that i can't seem to find here at school. i absolutely love life right now, actually ive been trying for an hour to share a nooma video in this post through youtube but i can't seem to make it work :'(
but its called rain and its amazing! and its helped me realise and see just how important it is that God is carrying me through all of these experiences. my life these past five years has NOT been easy. who knew that oma dying would jump start the dominos effect from hell... but i love what Rob Bell says in the video:
that God is holding us close to his heart, he is whispering in our ear "I love you, I know the way home" God is taking care of us and instead of us screaming at him, or asking him "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!" we can fall on our knees brokenhearted and praise him proclaiming "thank you! thank you so much for holding me during that time" because i believe that we go through the hard times despite whether or not we love God, they are times necessary for growth and for brokenness, which is NOT a bad thing. i see brokenness as strength now, i see weakness as perseverance and i see these things building character in a person that nothing else could. and i am blessed, i am blessed with Endometriosis, i am blessed with hard times because they form me and make me who i am and they allow me the period of time to fall on my knees and proclaim
1 comment:
Take me with you!!!! I've never been to Hawaii...
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