Sunday, April 06, 2008

so lately ive been asking myself the question "what do I want to do?" "who do I want to be?" and although i should probably be directing that question primarily to God, i have been thinking much about it and where i want to end up career wise. my conclusion thus far? there are two directions... health psychology or counselor. my psychology teacher reminded me that those two can coincide and i can actually do both! yipppeeeee... but then i thought to myself "well, i came here with the heart to do ministry, why am i all the sudden going down the road of psychology?"
First off, cause I LOVE it. I seriously love opening up my book and reading about how human behavior effects things, it makes sense to me!
And Secondly, well, because a huge part of me feels lead to walk this road.
Yet, i've always envisioned myself speaking in high schools and counseling adolescent girls out of youth groups concerning eating disorders, self destruction tendencies, and pre-martial sex/teen pregnancies.
But then i realised, it actually kind of side swiped me... those things work with a health psychology degree!!!!! and i would probably be a better speaker, counselor with that health education aspect.
so i guess this is the route im taking! yikies, it scares me, but my goodness you should seriously try and read some of the psychology stuff out there its FASCINATING! im going to DIE taking a year off with no psych classes, im actually going to buy the child psych book, read and highlight and prepare for when i finally get to take the class... how did I become such a geek!????? heehee!

blessings to all!

1 comment:

ChildofLight said...

I wish I would have known sooner!! (but I'm sure you wish you would have figured it out sooner as well). I could have given you my old psych texts that I got rid of when I moved. I had health psych, child psych, etc. I think I might still have my infancy one if you want it. I did so many psych classes because I did a psych minor (I have 1 more class until I'm finished all my psych courses for my minor!)