Wednesday, October 08, 2008

so... it has become evident that I am stressing out WAAAAAY too much. Especially when I go out for coffee with one of my good friends, Amy. And then she tells me to cool down and give it all to God, etc... then I come home and once checking my email have a biiiig one in my inbox from my fiance telling me the exact same thing!

I think God is using some of my most trusted friends/family to give me a message. And the message is?

TURN IT OVER ALREADY! and start breathing properly.

Actually, my stress has become so much that Im getting such bad migraine headaches and a year ago I wasn't getting any at all. As well, Im having a hard time breathing properly because I have so much anxiety. Its not good, its kinda scary when your deep breaths don't feel like deep breaths at all, and when there is intense pressure in your chest cavity.

I think that being stress free is of high importance right now... so I may have to start locking myself up in my house and on my bed for rest, and start dedicating time to serious prayer and take LOTS of bubble baths... if anyone has bubble bath to donate I am for sure able to take it off your hands!

Blessings to all...

at least I got a lot of wedding planning done! whew!


kortney said...

Oh dear Nicole. Is Friday still good for you? I can also do tomorrow if you want. Coffee helps distress me. Maybe you can come and see my new house and relax with me for a bit? Gimme a call tomorrow (Thursday) sometime. Anytime.

alissa said...

i recommend a pedicure. had one once. felt like a million dollars. specially when they start massaging your feet... or else i recommend a $29 massage from wccmt :) like an hour long and who cares if it's a student massage?!?! ya gotta find a way to relax and cope... even if it's going to cost $4.10 after tax for that cuppa coffee. cheaper than insanity by far ;) or when you're stressing... come up with 3 things that make you smile/ make you happy/make you feel relaxed and imagine them happening - can ya feel the sand between your toes? that one always gets me with the warm hawaiian breeze! happy thanksgiving this weekend!