Monday, January 26, 2009

I just had to add this picture! There is Nantina and I at my stagette party before I tied the knot! I have been thinking about her lately, she was my maid of honor and she is my best friend and she just visited me on Thursday at work, it was a surprise and I LOVE it when she surprises me like that. I can't wait to actually have a night out with her... sometime soon, eventually! hahah... our schedules never match, and we both can't stand the phone! I LOVE YOU NANTINA! you're the bestest ever.

okay I got the BEST NEWS EVER! yesterday...
IM GOING BE AN AUNTIE AGAIN! well... correction: There is either another niece or a new nephew on the way! Mikki is pregnant (Cams older sister) and yesterday she called and I was screaming (well not literally) I am SO EXCITED for her, and Scott and Jackie. so CONGRATS to you guys! and yay for a new baby in the family! And Mikki you HAVE to keep me updated with everything, miss you :'(

in other news:
I got my hair cut. FINALLY! short hair again. Its cute though, and I love the change, I really needed it. My long hair was getting so gross and annoying, always in knots and always dry. ewwww!

Work is work lately, Im getting tired, and its getting harder for me to be there... but Im very thankful for the job during this recession, I am very thankful that God has blessed us with finances coming in. Please continue to pray for my parents, my father was laid off... as well the entire Vancouver Nokia department that he was involved in, he is passionately looking for work with nothing promising. Its a very scary time for our family but PRAISE GOD that my parents Surrey home was sold! :D and the best family bought it, we love that we were able to give over the keys to them.

I think I really need a night out tonight, some girl time and a hug.


O... and I still don't have the wedding photos yet, they are coming! And once James emails me the website I will post some!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's super lame that your dad got laid off... Thank goodness the house is sold! I went running past there on sunday! See you soon!