Thursday, January 08, 2009

Okay... now I can finally update you on the honeymoon. As you know, we went to the Caribbean... the Dominican Republic to be more specific. And it was so gorgeous, bright, hot and pretty. We did not want to leave, although the food sucked (seriously sucked!) the rest of the resort was magnificent! My husband did such a fantastic job, looking for, finding and booking this insane place for our honeymoon. Our room? the closest you can get to the beach without being apart of the time shares offered. And Cameron up graded our account to "privilege" which was fantastic.

What was halarious though is that because of my ripping my big toe nail off my foot on my wedding day morning (entirely different story all together) we couldn't do any of the "water tours" cause of my open wound and the salt water. So... we took most of that saved money for the tour and put it into tipping the employees of the resort like crazy! (the people there make less than $30 a month) so the "housekeeper" kept coming in at like 9am every morning. And because of the time change (they are 4 hours ahead) our sleeping patterns were OFF! and well... ummm... well, you get it.

But seriously, white sandy beaches, staying in my swimsuit all day, tanning!, swimming (while I swam in the pool with tonz of tape on my toe to keep the nail on) Cam swam in the ocean with seriously blueish green waters. And we had employees come up to us in broken english (they speak Spanish) and asked us what we wanted to drink, so margaritas & pinacoladas for me, beer for Cam! soooo much fun!

Our plane was delayed though coming home we were supposed to leave DR time 11:25pm, but didn't actually leave until 2:30pm DR time. 8 & 1/2 hour flight and landed here in Vancouver at 7am BC time. To what? SNOW! lots and lots and lots of snow. My parents picked us up to take us to the Ens place for our car (they were so nice to let us leave it there and skip paying to leave it at the airport). We were then told that the Kroeker Christmas was canceled and other family members on the Stehr side were either delayed big time going back home or had to stay in BC for Christmas! WOW! while we relaxed on the beach, Vancouver was having the worst winter on record.

We couldn't have picked a better date for our big day. The whole day was clear & sunny with lots of hard snow on the ground, so the photos will be incredible. wind chill of -13 though! eeeekkk.... that was "interesting" to say the least, I did end up wearing gum boots (my photographers even!) SO MUCH FUN! I kept saying all day that Jesus loves me lots and lots because every single day for months I was praying for a clear sunny day and snow on the ground. Then that night about an hour after guests started to leave, it started to blizzard & snow! sooo pretty and perfect :)

I will blog about the big day soon... garanteed. But now I need to figure out what to make for dinner, cookies and M&M's just don't do it for me. .

Loves, hugz and blessings!

Our pretty resort, yes, this picture was taken from our room balcony! amazing right?

So this is the pool... ah yes, relaxing was wonderful!

Do we look like we just got married?! :D

1 comment:

alissa said...

i am sure you figured out something great for dinner. if not, i highly recommend those frozen pizzas. we ate a lot of those after we got married. a lot. seriously. and real kraft dinner. and enough of those lipton's sidekicks to give me high blood pressure for all the salt!
bummer about your toe... that's totally lame! i am glad that you had a good time though... i want to hear all about it!