It was halarious though, James comes to do photos at the house and I yell at him "James! I tore off my toe nail!" and he says back to me "don't worry! I'll photoshop it back on!"
so here is a sneak peek from photos that have been posted on facebook, which I love! :)

okay so I guess I'll tell the story!
I was up at 7am on my wedding morning, and my mom and I the previous day did a quick costco shop for some yummy breakfast food because Steph & her friend were coming over to do our hair and makeup (so nice to have them come to the house!) everyone else as well was coming for 7:30am too. So to help my mom out, I decided to clear off the island in the middle of the kitchen. Since we're still getting used to the new house, I opened up the door to the mud room a little harder than needed, and without realising were my foot was I "stubbed" my big toe, only to realise that it hurt A LOT more than just a little harsh tap. I actually tore off my big toe nail, gross huh? I fell to the floor and noticed that the nail wanted to come off and it was bleeding like mad. I called my parents and my dad, shaking his head could only exclaim. "NICOLE ELISABETH!" He calls this my last "kroeker klux move". haahaha... Im sure that there will be more "Stehr cluxy moves". However, I feel that this was, although a sucky thing that happened a really obvious reminder to me to give up control and allow the day to happen the way it was meant to and let myself be pampered and taken care of without trying to step in and take over. I didn't feel it all day long, Im serious! The whole wedding it didn't phase me. Until Cam and I left the reception and my foot thawed out in the car under the heater. I started crying and it throbbed, so we went to Walmart for supplies for the honeymoom. Now, its fine! :)

Some before ceremony fun! Cam and I had met before the wedding ceremony started, in our own private meet with just James, his co-worker (our photographers) and Trevor (cams best man) It was such a brilliant idea. Because we did most of our photography before the ceremony... and then could enjoy our entire reception and "in between" time, before ceremony time, practically the entire day together! The first thing that Cam said as he walked up towards me by the barn? OOOO mercy! :D He was thrilled.

Family photos! I almost cried while standing there at the ceremony... my mother mouthed to me "I love you" thats what made me almost loose it. My brothers were groomsmen and cams sisters were bridesmaids (and his brother a groomsman as well) it was the best decision to have our families involved.

Dad was super emotional... but very very sweet! Our dance will forever be such a fond memory of my big day, I can't wait for those photos.

Yay! we're married!!!!! I was looking at Nantina right here... she was instructing me where to go and what to do.. hahaah, apparently I wasn't paying attention at rehersal.
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