Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Something positive

Today was my very 1st physiotherapy appointment, I have 2 more left. Although I knew I had no reason to be nervous, I was very nervous and very anxious. I had never met this woman before, what was she going to do?

Well... As we started to talk, she asked questions and I answered them and she actually said. "good!" to a couple things I said that I've been doing. Like getting into an exercise routine (reduces pain) and accommodating my intimate relationship with my hubby.

She described my problem as being like a car alarm. The pain is an alarm sounding in my brain, but the alarm is broken and going off when it shouldn't be. So what we need to do is fix the alarm. She said that NOTHING is wrong with my nerves or tissue, good news!!! It's just the alarm that needs fixing in my brain. Sounds complicated, and it is and it will take hard work. Like being dedicated to my homework exercises to be done everyday... But... She seems very confident in the therapy and that's good enough for me!!!

I'm still really emotional about this whole journey. I haven't had time to just sit on my bed in my room and cry it out alone. I'm hoping to do that tomorrow or Friday night. I have more cognitive therapy homework to do those nights, I'm sure that'll get my tears flowing.

Good Night!

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