Thursday, February 14, 2008

I absolutely love that this time around people I know are going through the same predicament as me. Its wonderful to be able to talk to two of my friends and have them say "I know what you mean, I was there too!" Its like WHAT! REALLY!? o my goodness, SOMEONE knows, someone has gone through this, someone has gotten THROUGH this. And really, its not THAT bad.

My outlook has done a 360 degree turn, and that has all come from the grace of God and the many loved ones who have prayed a prayer for me. I appreciate how my family, friends and Cam have willingly listened to my complaints and frustrations, my negative outlook that I first held so strongly too. But today, Im doing great! And I am choosing to be positive through whatever it is that comes my way! Even if its surgery. No more fear for whatever it is that this possible Endo is going to throw my way.

I wanted to say as well... that those who have been praying for me, please also, say a long and heartfelt prayer for my friends little nephew Noah Jonathan Neufeld. This handsome little guy was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 while still in his mothers womb back in/around October, he was born last Friday and has beaten so many odds, but is still not in the clear yet. There is a slim chance, given by the doctors, that he will live to his 1st birthday. I ask that you pray for him and his family.

if you want to visit their blog, click on right hand side of my blog page, entitled NEUFELD FAMILY and leave a sweet comment of love and encouragement.

Praise God for the blessings he's given us, no matter how small or short.

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