I went to the doctor on Monday, I told her my fears concerning the treatment she has put me on, and now I have to make a decision whether I go for another "dose" on Thursday. She said she wants me to keep going on it... that its only for a short time, she would never put me on it long term, etc... but once again. Im scared. Im totally, 100%, completely scared. So please pray for me and my fear. That God will lead me to the right decision, and that God brings both me and Cam strength to get through whatever there is on the way in terms with all of this. My hope is high and I am doing really good, honestly. Im in pain off and on, Im just generally uncomfortable on a daily basis so just please pray for me in that regards too! Praise the Lord that Endo doesn't turn into cancer (only VERY rare cases) and is not life threatening. Its just really painful, thats all!
As well, Im being referred to the top Endometriosis doctor in all of BC. So please say many prayers for me, that the referral will not take very long at all, and that the doctor and I (who I hear is fantastic) will find the Endo if it's in me somewhere and make me all better. It could be a 6 month wait I heard, which is exhausting and emotional for me to hear, so a quicker referral will be amazing. My Dr said we're skipping the middle man and running straight to the top with this referral, she usually doesn't do this but she said she is going to make an exception for me! (thank you Jesus!)
My engagement and wedding planning have been SO magical, I thank everyone for the cards, love, encouragement, hugs, and joy expressed. Its been the most wonderful time for me... I am amazed at how happy everyone is for us! I am extatic myself (of course!) and very excited to get all my planning done. Everything is so surreal. We are having our wedding at Columbia Bible College for all who don't know, we met there, fell in love there, so its PERFECT! We're even getting Gerald to make his famous Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I have my decor and photographer booked! and this week we're working on getting some invitation ideas, then its registry once we're out of school, along with honeymoon booking and finding a florist. I feel like Im ontop of everything, yet I feel like Im second guessing myself as well. I have a lot of help though, so Im not worried at all.
The latest though is... do I want red in the color scheme? hmmm.... grrrrrr!!!!!!!!
As well, I decided Im going to call Cam my fiance every and any chance I get for the next Nine months and three weeks :)
O... and yes, Ive been trying to get a decent picture of my ring to show you here online, unfortunately as Nantina said "the photos don't do justice" and you'll just have to wait to track me down, take my left hand and peek yourself. Here is another cute pic of me when I tried a photo shoot with my new "bling" Once again you can't exactly see the beauty of it... but it really is all its cracked up to be!!!
wow you have so much planned already!! i remember the first week after i got engaged, i was in the "bliss zone" ;)
in my opinion, red would be GORGEOUS in your color scheme -- very Christmas-y.....not to mention that's what i had (so i'm a bit biased!)
hope everything is going well!
your ring is GORGEOUS! Congratulations! What an exciting time for you! All the best :)
(I am a friend of Laurens)
hooray! i am so glad that you are so organized! it makes things much less stressful! i am very happy that i could call you and talk to you on the phone last week... i am coming out for the youth leaders conference this weekend... i don't knwo all the deets yet but we have to get together for coffee! :) love ya!
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