How far along: 24 weeks! That's SIX months!
Size of baby: ear of corn (8.5 inches & 1.5 pounds)
Weight gain/loss: the Christmas season finally caught up to me, I gained 2 pounds this week. That puts me at a gain of 9.4lbs so far.
Maternity clothes: I'm not sure that there's anything to update in this category. I'm getting bored with what I've got but I'm not willing to go out and buy more right now.
Movement: I'm feeling a lot of movement, it feels great! Makes me happy that baby is alive and well. Cams still trying to feel the movements with no luck yet.
Sleep: I've been on vacation so my sleeping patterns have been off. I tried going back to my regular sleeping routine last night and ended up with only five interrupted hours of sleep. I'm getting up quite a bit more to pee at night, it's getting annoying.
Cravings: ummmm, just sweets like usual. I missed champagne at New Years but that's okay. I'd LOVE a good cheeseburger, that'd be good right about now.
Symptoms: the usual: nose bleeds, light headed more often (which usually means more blood & a bigger belly), heartburn, sore hips and crazy constipation. But I'm dealing with it all with minor complaining :)
Best moment of the week: I had a great New Year's Eve at my besties place with her husband, my husband, my brother & another good friend. They drank (I had bubbly juice), we ate (I learnt I can't eat lots anymore) and we played clue (my character was the killer, go figure!). It was good times!
I also wanted to say a huge THANK-YOU! To all of my incredible, wonderful, amazing friends who are messaging me, texting me, telling me that I look beautiful and I'm glowing. You make me smile every. single. time! So big a *hugs* to you :)
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