The year 2012 went by really fast, so lets take a look at what happened and our plans for 2013.
Career Decisions:
* I finished working my first year in a preschool (June). I also made the decision to move to a newly opened daycare (September). I tried to complete my ECE certificate but just couldn't handle my pregnancy, full time work in a new centre with a new role and school so I dropped my course and changed my shift at work.
* Cam made the decision and commitment to pursue a career in horticulture instead of youth pastoring. This was not an obvious decision for him to make since it involved more schooling. He started university in September and has been incredibly successful, more so than he was in bible college.
* I will go on maternity leave somewhere between march 1st and march 15th. This is my choice, my work is not pushing me in any direction. I recognize now how much harder it's getting to be productive and move around, it's only going to get worse. And the time I have before Bubba comes, I'll never have again!!! So I'm going to take advantage of it. We have no set plans as to what I'll do in 2014 when my leave is over.
* Cams work is supposed to be "seasonal" but it sure hasn't felt that way for him lately. He'll be back to it January 3rd and back in university for one class this winter semester. We're not sure what his fall 2013 semester will look like, but this spring/summer work wise is looking to be nice and busy!
* in the early days of August I went with my brother to a work out session and just about died. I committed to loosing some weight before trying to get pregnant. Yah, little did I know little Bubba had other plans. I took a pregnancy test and SURPRISE! Pregnant. I was freaked and thrilled, putting the work out/loosing weight commitment on hold ten months.
* Bubba is due to arrive late April, so far everything is healthy, good and on track! A "perfect" pregnancy. I've only gained 7.2lbs so far, I see this as a huge accomplishment. I've asked my friend Kortney to be my dula, we're talking labour and delivery more these days and I'm reading a lot more on parenting. We've also been accumulating baby supplies, our newest addition being a teal bumbo I bought off a friend. The only brand new baby thing we've bought is a diaper bag, everything else is used and I believe that we're smart for buying this way. We've saved an estimated $250 on our stroller alone!
* we started attending a life group at our church and we love it! It's such a great way to get connected into community. We only missed one study cause of Cams finals at school.
* we have no plans to stop attending even after Bubba comes. We've been told that baby is more than welcome, so there will be many arms for babe to sleep in on Monday evenings! I also hope to attend women's ministry events once I have more time on maternity (ha! More time).
Now I know that this post is getting long but... Oh well.
I do have some personal goals for 2013, but most have to do with my pregnancy, labour, delivery and parenting. These all deserve their own posts but I'll touch briefly on them here.
* I want to eat VERY well these next four months. I haven't been awful but I can do better
* I should be more active, my hips hurt a lot these days so I believe if I exercise more then that will help it
* I want to have the most natural labour I can. I recognize that there is a time and place for medical intervention but if I can help it, I want all natural. Kortney and I are talking, don't you worry
* after Bubba arrives, I want to kick major baby weight butt!!! After my recovery I want to do what's best for my body and my future pregnancies. So loose the baby weight and get to my goal weight. I'm giving myself a year to do it.
* breast feed exclusively for a minimum of 6 months (I want to BF for a full year) and practice baby led weaning.
* I especially want to parent intuitively and hands on, listen to myself and my own beliefs before others. Do what I believe is best for my baby and hold onto the truth that I can do it! And I know my baby best.
That's all I guess, if you made it this far then thanks for reading. And Happy New Year! I wish your 2013 to be all you hope it will be.
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