Edi is happily in the arms of his daddy so I thought I'd take a second and write his birth story.
It all started on Wednesday May 8th when I had a meeting with the new doula who took me on last minute. I've known her (Heidi) for years so I felt perfectly comfortable having her be apart of my birth. Kortney had a trip scheduled to Disney land on Friday the 10th and would unfortunately miss Edison's delivery so Heidi was such a blessing!
Wednesday we tried at home, natural induction techniques to try and avoid the scheduled medical induction for Friday. We started at around 4pm and gave up that night at around 1am. It was disappointing to say the least. I felt a lot of cramping and movement but nothing took, Edi was as happy as could be inside me. We continued the natural induction all through Thursday, I walked for probably eight hours straight! I felt defeated and started doubting my body until 11am Friday morning!!! When the cramps switched to true contractions.
They got stronger and stronger throughout the morning and when the hospital called regarding my induction I informed them I was in labor hoping I didn't need to go in. Unfortunately though I still needed to go in to confirm my labor (by this time I was certain it was labor). It still felt like annoying menstural cramps which was the easiest part!
At around 3pm we were at the hospital and in triage, I was given a gown and laid happily in bed. Before I knew it I was being checked out and they confirmed I was indeed in labor but sadly only 1cm dilated. I was hooked up to a fetal monitor which was protocol and we discussed my coming back into triage after a few hours for penicillin because I was group B positive. I was experiencing stronger contractions at this time but then all the sudden there was a "pop" and a lot of water! My waters broke and I got Cam to get the doctor back, she confirmed and instead of heading home right then I was given an IV. the nurse who did my IV sucked! She put it in my left hand and went through the vein, it hurt SO bad! She then pulled it out and put it in the right hand instead and then hooked me to penicillin. After that dose I was sent home and told to come back for another at 8:45pm.
By this time my contractions picked up in intensity. I got home and immediately got in the tub, it was AMAZING! I was there for a solid two hours and time just flew.
I have no clue how I accomplished it but once the intensity started I put my mind into a state of relaxation. I was in my own world, I didn't talk, I had my eyes closed, my body still and just let go. I allowed my body to be consumed by the pain, breathed and moaned deeply through them. I may have looked peaceful (ask Cam & Heidi they said it didn't look like I was in any pain at all) but I was in crazy amounts of pain. I even sort of slept between my contractions, my years of horrible menstrual pain hell paid off in labor!
So I went back to the hospital for my second dose of penicillin we were dropped off and never expected to stay. When we got there the doctors changed shifts and I was with a different midwife. I was expecting to go home to labor because that's what I wanted and discussed with the other midwife but this new midwife wasn't having any of it. I was admitted and directed to my room (which was amazing!). I was in no state to argue so I followed. She explained that because I was group B positive, had my waters broken and not far along (remember, just 1 cm) I had to stay. I immediately got hooked to the penicillin and stripped for the tub. I spent about 8 hours in total in the tub which is crazy to me cause it felt like no time at all. I had to get out a couple times for checks and it seemed that I was staying at 6 cm for far too long.
The midwife was so annoying and constantly offered me drugs and talked oxytocin. It was hard to tune her out whenever she came in to talk to me. I did NOT want oxytocin or drugs but quickly realized that oxytocin was in my immediate future. I asked for time to think about it and talked it over with Heidi. All I knew was that oxytocin meant stronger contractions and more pain. I was already starting to loose control and focus so I knew that with oxytocin I'd be exhausted at transition and even worse when it came to push so the answer and compromise to me was an epidural if I agreed to oxytocin. When I got checked the next time I had stayed still at a 6 and so I agreed to oxytocin.
The OB was brought in my room and ordered oxytocin at 3:20am I heard them talking about it (they never really talked to me directly) and discussed that the oxytocin was to start before I got my epidural. So in my pain I spoke up, "I'm getting my epidural before you give me oxytocin!". The nurse who was incredible was the only one who listened to me and waited to administer the oxytocin until after my epidural was given. My epidural was delayed because the only one to administer it was in a surgery so I waited and so did my awesome nurse. Once the oxytocin was hooked up to me it was three hours after the OB ordered it and she was NOT happy about it. My nurse got in trouble and was asked to discuss what happened out in the hall. I felt horrible for her but loved her and what she did for me, she actually LISTENED to me! I made sure to thank her for giving me the epidural first. I wanted to hug her!
I knew that my favorite doctor and who I was seeing for prenatal care was next on shift. I was thrilled when she came into my room and took over my care. The epidural, although I thought I'd never want it, really made me happy and I actually enjoyed my labor experience. It was so great to be me again and enjoy what was happening around me. My oxytocin was consistently increasing because my body wasn't producing strong enough contractions. I was progressing but still really slowly. Edison was even napping in my womb during labor, several times actually!
Once the pressure started and I could feel contractions with the epidural I knew we were in business. I started pushing at around 12:50pm and gave it all I got. I had the nurse (they changed nurses and this new one was just as amazing as the night one) tell me how amazing I was doing. I had Cam count for me, my doula was helping with my feet, my mom was there watching, doctor delivering and nurse on my right coaching (from what I remember). I pushed and pushed and it was the crowning part that hurt like CRAZY! Yikes that was the worst part. But then in an instant my son was out and out on top of me. My mom saw that it was a boy right away but Cam was the one to actually tell me it was a boy. Just like I thought all along, I was 100% expecting a boy. We said right away that his name is Edison Lyle and my mom was crying and immediately said how beautiful the name was. Cam actually cut the cord even though he never intended to and I'm sure Cam saw far more than what he wanted to. I pushed on my left side with my right leg up on the bar and Cam was sitting next to me on my left so he had full view (poor guy).
Then all the scary stuff started that you can read in my previous post. But even though that happened, I'm still very happy with the way my son came into this world. I wanted to do my best, listen to my body, respect myself and my needs and make decisions that were right for me at the time. This was MY labor and MY sons birth. I understand that others have their opinions of how labor should go and I respect your opinions so please respect MY decisions and MY labor experience.
Will I do this again? Absolutely!!!!! Obviously not right away but definitely soon after Edison is one. It was such an empowering and amazing moment that I'll remember for the rest of my life.

I love my son more than I can express.