Saturday, May 18, 2013

One week post delivery

It's weird not doing a belly update with all the new weekly experiences of my pregnancy. That's long gone now, my belly is deflated and in it's place I have a beautiful baby boy to love on. I wouldn't trade my life for anything in the whole world.
But since I want to keep this blog as an updated testimony to my new life as a mommy, I'll update it in a different way.

Edison is eating like CRAZY! Who knew about cluster feeds? Not I! I'm breast feeding exclusively which I love, but it's been rough. My milk didn't come in until day five because of my birth trauma, poor Edi was the one to suffer and I was an emotional wreck! So we went and saw a lactation specialist who was amazing and spent a whole hour with us. I was incredibly grateful to her for her time. She made me feel like everything is normal and okay. She reassured me that I'm doing great (YAY!). So my confidence in continuing has increased dramatically!

Edi has also got his days and nights mixed up which has caused us some loooong sleepless nights. Nothing we can't handle but we're working on switching that around.

He's the biggest cutie, super content, wide eyed and such a suckler. He'll stay on my boob all day if I let him (I don't). I love him to pieces and can't stop staring :)

As for me, see picture above! That's 41 weeks pregnant next to today, one week post baby. I decided to step on my scale this morning to see how much I've lost and where my staring point is for my weight loss goals. I was STUNNED! It said I LOST 31.1lbs! I don't even understand how that's possible, but the scale doesn't lie right?! I'm beyond thrilled, I've basically lost all the pregnancy weight in a week! And my belly although I didn't escape the mommy bulge and stretch marks, is a testament to my son and I'm grateful for it.

My recovery is going well, I'm taking it easy like doc ordered and I'm seeing my strength come back. We're slowly starting to have visitors over, family is first on Tuesday and then we're going from there. So please, if you're interested in visiting let me know (again if you have already) and we'll start talking dates!

I miss my mom & dad, they're away in Germany now looking after my great aunt Lina's estate (she died in April at the age of 109 1/2). They'll be back soon but they didn't get much time with Edi before they left and that makes me sad. But I'm sure the German chocolate they come home with will make me feel better!

Alright, bed time. Wish me luck that I actually get sleep tonight! :)

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