Apparently not I, which has been primarily the source of Edison's frustration. Poor guy. He's been sucking away to get milk without much success and here I was blaming other things. Although his alignment I'm sure was part of the problem, but that's fixed now.
Once again my traumatic labor, massive blood loss and low hemoglobin are to blame for my lack of milk. I had an idea that something was wrong. I never felt let down, my boobs were the same size, I was never engorged, and I hardly leaked at all, ever! I borrowed Kortney's pump just because I wanted to give it a try and in two days BANG. Big boobs, leakage, the stinging sensation of let down and a much happier baby.
So now I'm putting Edison on a feeding routine and time him ten minutes of true eating on EACH side minimum and then I pump both boobs. If he's obviously still fussy I offer him my pumped milk to see if he's got enough milk at the boob. We were a little concerned at the doctors today because he's stopped gaining weight so this should help him gain and help me make more milk.
Now I just need to invest in a really good pump of my own, any suggestions?!
This breast feeding thing has definitely been an experience. But I'm determined to be a breast feeding rock star for my boy, no matter what it takes!!
Have I already told you this...? I'm not sure which new moms I've passed on advice that was given to me... :)
Papaya (asian remedy) Oatmeal (western remedy) to increase milk supply.
My friends who pumped exclusively both love using their Medela pump in style. If I had to get an electric pump, I'd get that one too! I only use a manual one right now...
It really will get easier, Nicole :) Keep enjoying your guy.
... oh and that's papaya AND oatmeal. Not papaya oatmeal.
I agree with Sharon, the Medela was great for me.
I am still going strong at breastfeeding my 21 month old and I just love it. So hang in there, she's right it does get easier. Glad you figured it out!
Another vote for the Medela pump in style!
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