Monday, June 05, 2006

so today I realized that its one month until my birthday... YAY! excited cause, well, who isnt excited about their birthday? Im making plans, having a buncha my close friends go out for a nice dinner and then something afterwards, not so sure yet what to do after. Maybe icecream at the beach or something.... sould be good.... should be a lot of fun! Im excited.

i have so much floating around in my head, so many thoughts that is... i dunno if its even going to be worth it to type them all out, you may think Im crazy! hahaah... probably.
i guess whats most frustrating to me right now is feeling so limited. i have so many dreams and things that i want to accomplish, yet i feel as though i dont have the money, to do it. i mean, i have a job! (finally) and things are good there, yet the job isnt huge, i dont get payed a huge amount... i want to work in ministry soooo badly, so much so that it hurt a lot to find out who actually got the internship today at my church for the youth, i am thankful for where i am, who i am, etc... but still... why not me? I have the heart, the motivation... the drive... yet, still.... still not me.... why?
why is everyone else given the chances and opportunites to go after what they dream and i seem as though i cant... as though i keep needing to wait with everything. it just doesnt seem fair, it just doesnt seem right... i just feel as though all those things said to be years before concerning my relationship with God and the plans he has for me, were said to the wrong girl...
that God doesnt want to use me, that maybe i lost my chance.... maybe those prophesies were meant for someone else... I see so much failure and sin within me that its almost a fight to run away from it, only it follows... it keeps following...


i guess this leaves me with "goodnight!", with some pondering....


MJ said...

Maybe your ministry is Jacob...just like mine is Purdy's. Your job is to make sure that everyone that comes into that store gets the best shopping experience from a girl that loves Jesus with all her heart. I know that sometimes it seems that we are just waiting around for something to happen, but everything is happening. God is shaping you and moulding you into a beautiful child and a loving woman. Just because you aren't being paid to do ministry doesn't mean that God isn't using you!! (I know you know this) The thought that you have missed your chance to do ministry is a lie from the pits of hell. Let God teach you how to do ministry in everyday things that seem mundane. That is the greatest lesson and something that I am struggling with right now. Pray that God would show you how to be in full-time ministry with ever you are doing. He is failthful (I know that you know that too) and He will provide!!
Love yah tons!!

kortney said...

I was just going to post a similar response to the person above.
Ministry doesn't always have to be a paid position in a church. If Christians only worked in a church, there would be no one to reach out to - everyone would be afraid of the Christians in the church (at least I think).

I know that my ministry is important...just because I work at Starbucks doesn't mean I'm not working for God. Every smile I give, every conversation I have; I think of those as my personal little ministries for Him. Use every opportunity and God is faithful always, Nicole. He'll use you know matter what.

I'm praying :)