Saturday, March 31, 2007

okay... so Im going to be writting my paper tomorrow and doing my argument on tuesday in class on my ethical issue. However, I want your opinion and advice when it comes to my topic, everything you got. For or Against. Get me thinking about more angles, there is tonz of research in this, its VERY interesting! (at least to me!) so... leave me a comment. PLEASE! :)

having a child after menopause which average age is about 55-56 years old.

how ethical is this? considering the child's life.

Friday, March 30, 2007

I loooove being spontaneous, its one of my favorite things EVER! next to being surprised, which Cam has taken to doing lots and lots of which is super sweet! Past Sunday was one of those spontaneous times... after a halarious lingere shower for Lena, Nan and I drove home to Abby and since the sun was out, our shades were on and the music was blared, Nan had the fantastic idea of going to the tunnels outside of Hope just to hang out, so we did!! We pulled into the parking lot of CBC, grabbed Cam, Julie and Caitlin and took off! It was soooo much fun! if only we had rememberd to bring a flashlight though!! opps on that one... but seriously it was georgous!! absolutely beautiful, yet the tunnels were terrifying you couldnt see a thing!

At least I had fun on the sunday, cause the rest of this past week has been sucky to say the least. I was horribly sick with stomach cramps and head aches/dizzyness on Monday... Cam was a SWEETHEART! and surprised me with Ben and jerrys icecream and some cuddles! :) my favorites!! then Tuesday along with what was left of the cramps and dizzyness I sprained my ankle going up the stairs to go to Vespers, I didnt think much of it cause it didnt hurt too much...but when I tried to walk home, Cam had to help steady me and I used him as my "cane" for the rest of the way... now it hasnt gotten better, but worse and Cam was sooo sweet to take me to the clinic yesturday afternoon to get it checked out. The doctor was no help at all, but did tell me Im not allowed to work all weekend or walk around too much, I have to ice it as much as possible on a pillow for height... yep! sucky!
but O well... at least I had my super sweet man to take care of me all week long! which he did! I love him! :)

Blessings and please pray for my foot :'( Im such a gimp right now!

Friday, March 23, 2007

its been a while...sorry guys!
life has been very busy, lots of homework to get done, most of which I finished Monday and Tuesday, all the small stuff so that I can get started and keep focus on the big stuff! like my ethical reasoning paper.

Im doing the ethical issue of post-menopausal pregnancies, meaning woman who have babies when they are not physically able anymore through fertalization. there is something about this that makes me angry!!! I mean... why would a woman be so selfish as to bring a baby into the world, only to "enjoy" that child for a short amount of time because of the reality that woman in their 60's don't usually live very much longer! I find that its kinda crazy... but thats just my opinion.
Im also doing an assignment with Alissa on Haggai in the minor prophets, this assignment is very very fun!
next is my Anabaptist integration paper... long and all about how the Anabaptist movement of the 16th century has effected my own theology and in what ways, this one Im looking foward to writing (i love writing anyways!) but I think its going to be more challenging.... O well, a challenge is good!

so yep! thats going to be my life for the next three weeks O well!

o... I know what Im taking next semester already!

Biblical Hermenutics
Intro to Phsycology 1
Intro to Counselling 1
Marriage and Family

It'll be a good one! although Im thinking of throwing in another biblical elective just to make it 15 credits, but we'll see.
till next time! :)


Saturday, March 10, 2007

so Im aware that this is an old picture, taken on Cams birthday last year (april 17) BUT the reason for the post is that... I GOT CONTACTS TODAY!!! and this picture represents the last time I wore contacts for an extended amount of time, before I ran out and became a broke college student. Now that my glasses broke, and I took a kaaa-ching outta my bank account... my parents were kind enough to step in and offer to buy me contacts from costco for a third of the price my glasses cost and half the price I paid last year to have contacts! so yippeee.. for finding a waaaaay cheaper way to buy contacts and a even louder yippeee that my mommy and daddy are happy and loving enough (out of pity I guess) to buy me a six-month supply... heck! I should accidently break more expensive yet manditory stuff more often! :) *heehee*... I'll post another more recent pic of my non-glass wearing lifestyle as soon as Im back at school and re-united with my camera, maybe I'll coax Cam into a pic as well!

**Hugz** and Blessings to all!

O... and yes, DON'T FORGET to spring ahead tonight! :)

Friday, March 09, 2007

take a look at this cuttie!! isnt she ADORABLE!? and check out her super sweet shirt? like? thats right, I picked it out! Jen just sent me this picture and since its too cute for words I thought I'd post it to show off one of the two amazingly adorable baby girls!! each one belonging to one of two of Cams sisters... Michele, you've got to send me a pic of Jaclyn in her shirt when shes fitting into it and when you get the chance! Plllllease! **puppy eyes**

O and I couldnt resist not posting this one... yep, thats Cam! No, not the one wearing yellow! ;)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I finally watched it today!... PETER PAN! and it was GREAT!... o, how I missed the adventure :)
I was up till very late last night, 4:00am writing an exegetical paper on Jonah 2:1-10
12 pages! oooo yah.... way too long though, I know that I went over, but its too hard to just keep the thing to only 9-10. Yikies! O well... whats done is done.
But now... BED!

Blessings! :)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I am sooo excited! and probably really geek like to post this... but my FAVORITE Disney film is coming out of the vault on Tuesday!! can you guess which one?? PETER PAN! I dunno, something about the adventure of pirates, the living in trees and not wanting to grow up. I've always loved this classic! hook, the newer live Peter pan version and the recent finding Neverland have all helped urge on my love for this story! Yet, you can always find me at the end of the film getting mad at Peter Pan for not going back with Wendy... and staying in Neverland (especially when I watch the newer live one). BAAAA!!!! makes me so angry... cause if you love the girl, then be with her! (geezz)... **heehee** but never-the-less, this one most definatly beats out those girly princess Disney films, like snow white and beauty and the beast... I much rather be tinker bell or wendy, then ariel or cinderella! Fighting off pirates and living in a cool tree house!
well.... can you guess what I'll hopefully be doing Tuesday night??? YOU GUESSED IT! other then writing my huge minor prophets paper, My eyes will be set to the screen watching the classic Ive missed seeing for years!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

the snow stopped **sniff sniff** ... not enough for making snowmen or wearing sweatpants all day. Darnit! O well, at least I cleaned my room, so I was some-what productive today!
Although.... I think Im still going to go and make that hot chocolate! :P