Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Edison is 6 months old!

My baby is SIX MONTHS old!! I can't even believe how much he's changed in six months. It's just so incredible to witness, it's such a privilege to be his mommy.

One month compared to six months, see what I mean!?

He's hitting all of his developmental milestones without much of a problem and I'm sure that he's going to be sitting 100% by himself in matter of days. He reaches, explores, rolls, looks backward, puts everything in his mouth! He's mastered his fist grasp around things and knows exactly how to manipulate his soother to get it in his mouth.

Yet he's only weighing in at 15lbs 7.5oz which means he's only gained 7.5oz since his four month check up. It's not that big of a deal cause he's developing so great but it is a concern cause he's potentially going to fall off the charts. His length is staying in the 50% but his weight has gone from 75% to 50% to now 10-25% for his age. If his weight was consistently in that range since birth than it'd be fine but because he's falling in percentile it's a concerning. So we are going back in one month to check again and in the mean time I've started him on solids.

I was going to do strictly baby lead weaning but because of the weight issue I'm also doing purees and rice cereal so he'll be getting a good variety of everything. I'm being careful to avoid allergens which includes him joining us in eating wheat free. Tonight we gave him rice cereal for the first time and he seemed to enjoy it. Although I basically drowned the stuff in breast milk. It was so runny, blah!

When we did a banana yesterday and he was beyond excited so we'll keep up those. They are my favorite fruit. So good! So I'm not surprised with how much he loved it. It's the only food so far that he's inhaled.

There's so much more I could say so here are some points:

• he's sleeping longer stretches at night now unless his teeth bother him. About 4-6 hours at first and then every 2-3 hours after.
• bedtime is set for 8pm but has slowly been shifting to earlier like 7pm if he's tired enough.
• he gets butt change, boob & bed. If he's not sleeping on me after nursing then he's put in bed to play until he's ready to nurse to sleep. Sometimes we'll let him cry a bit and I've discovered that I'm NOT a horrible mom for doing that.
• he smiles a lot now, I looooove it!
• he still really enjoys playing with toys, it's so fun to watch him discover. I think he's going to have a very intense imagination.
• we are doing full time cloth now, no more disposables. I bought him heavy wetter diapers for night. I'm excited.
• I'm thinking a lot about when my maternity leave runs out. I'll post my decisions and game plan after I meet with the W&T HR rep.
• I'm SO excited for Christmas this year. It's going to be so fun with Edison. I have too many festive ideas of what new traditions we could start with him. The one we are doing for sure is buying a real tree at a tree farm with hot chocolate in hand. Can't wait :)

Alrighty, that's it for now!

More pictures just cause