Thursday, January 01, 2015

2014 reflections

I remember this date last year being really scared for what 2014 was going to bring Cam and I. We had just made the decision to put Cam into full time university so he could finish his diploma and graduate as soon as possible. We had no clue how we were going to successfully navigate the year financially. Now that I look back I'm amazed that we made it! With even a few funds left in our bank account. God is so so good!

This New Year's Day 2015, I'm not as scared as last year. We're going through another full year of Cam in school full time. But now I'm finishing my school too. We have a lot of hope that the end of this year will bring us both a lot of joy seeing our careers reach new levels of success. I'm so so excited to graduate with my certificate in June and even more thrilled to move onto starting my infant/toddler portion of my ECE diploma sometime in 2015. I have so many career goals now that I actually believe in myself once again and have the confidence to move forward. I'm excited for what God has in store for me as an ECE teacher and hopefully one day an ECE professor teaching future ECE educators. Dream big right?

But no matter how hard and stressful it felt in 2014, having my son grow up in the midst of it all has been the biggest delight. Last year Edison learned to pull himself up, crawl, talk (a little), walk and play. He started feeding himself, exploring foods and textures. He started making it even more apparent what he wanted at all times. He's kept up his love for boob milk with no end in sight. He's shot up to the 95% for length and 90% for weight. My baby turned into a "big boy" in 2014 and I couldn't be more proud.

But we also experienced unbelievable joy in 2014 mixed when we learned we were pregnant with number two in September. Unfortunately, that joy came crashing down to complete despair when I got the phone call that I was loosing our baby on October 1st. October was the most dreadful of all the months in 2014 but we pressed on with hope for our family. I'm moving forward and being proactive in taking steps to help my heart heal. I wanted, prayed, hoped and longed for that pregnancy. It has been a process to heal, trust and believe I'll get another chance. I'm making so many changes to better myself this New Year!

I anticipate and have faith that this New Year 2015 is going to be extraordinary. It's going to be so so good in so many wonderful ways.

So *cheers!* to a New Year and a new start. I wish you all many beautiful things this New Year.
