Saturday, April 28, 2012

garage sale treasures!

I went across the street this afternoon to a garage sale and ended up getting some things. I'm very happy with the treasures I've found. Take a look for yourself!

I'm most impressed with that tub of blocks. I got them for $1, and that book was 50 cents. All those foam puzzle letter/numbers were there and in great condition for $1. It's like at least $30-$40 worth of stuff! And my neighbor said that she'll donate me more stuff down the road now that she knows I'm an ECE educator.

I'm saving this stuff for myself and future child. Some new parents want everything brand spanking new for their children. Although there are things I won't compromise on (car seat, stroller, crib, cloth diapers). I'm not willing to spend thousands on all new things when I know I can get used stuff for cheap and save. Used toys for example have exploration, learning, love and discovery already found in them from another child. I think it's important to recycle those toys and pass them on. So I've already started collecting for my child's library and toy chest before they have even been conceived!

In other news, we've picked a color to paint the bathroom and bedrooms. It's called, cream puff by Behr paints. I'm so excited to be rid of all the ugly and make this home feel even better. We want it looking good for when Cam's sister Michele her hubby Scott and their girls (jackie & ashley) come for a visit at the end of May!!!!! Maybe we'll even have our area rug bought by then :)

Well, happy Saturday!!!!

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